God love the Constitution and the right to the freedom to speak freely, unless you are on Fox and have a point to make about the war...or just want to invoke the "non-offensive" (per FCC guidelines) expression, "goddamn"; you'll be censored, right Sally? Heck, even the ACLU is defending Larry Craig's right to a private conversation regardless of where it transpires, even if he doesn't support the ACLU's endeavors.
So what does it take these days to get busted? Ironically, for OJ, murder isn't what will get you locked up, but busting in to a hotel room, stealing your (or someone elses- it's not really clear) shit with weapons drawn and holding some sports memorabilia collectors hostage might do what a damn bloody knife and ill-fitting glove couldn't do...give him a life behind bars. Ain't that something! Poetic Justice?
The beauty of OJ's circumstance is the statement made by his lawyer, asserting that "it is only because of who OJ is that he is still behind bars, anyone else would have been granted bail and been released with in hours". No shit Sherlock! "Anyone else" hasn't been up for murder and tried to flee in a white Bronco...talk about a flight risk!
The perfect "lovely bones" twist to this crime would be a pan away from the incarcerated OJ and see Nicole Simpson's angel flying over the Nevada desert dumping the "missing stolen" goods!
he's always so smirky too. gross.
Swarmy is what comes to mind!
I just love that he is finally going to get some sort of punishment. It makes me sick to think of how smug he always is about getting away with everything.
I fuckin hate that guy with a vengeance. I hope he rots in hell.
Airam...sit across from him at lunch and see what happens!
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