WTF was up with Britney???
The VMA's started out like an old Lawrence Welk show...tediously slow, crappy music, and incredibly lame dancing. Oh wait, at least Lawrence's show had sparkle from the bubble-making machine; Britney was flatter than Shelley Duvall or three-day old champagne!
Was this her first day of sober dance rehearsals? She stepped like a pregnant cow, looked barely thinner than a hefer, and appeared horribly unprepared to do the number. Trista Sutter looked more certain of her dance step when she hoofed it on "Dancing with the Stars" (and she was the first to be eliminated in Season One). Mo'Nique could bust out more moves and look more graceful than B-list Spears! A real officer of the people should have pulled over this wreck of a performance and cited her with a DUI, "dancing un-inspired."
Apparently Brit's been so busy trying to remember her children's names that she didn't have time to learn the words to her own song! It probably didn't help her cause that she was up till 6AM partying Sunday morning with Diddy and just saying "no no no" to her rehab stint with grey goose and red bull cocktails.
And as for the "barely there" outfit; the only way that 2-piece looked good on her was if she was using a circus mirror or she did a 3-year time rewind-God that would be good for her!
If I could rewrite the lyrics they would definitely incorporate the words "what a bore, what a bore! Give me less, quit looking like a whore...." Anesthesia, Britney be thy name.
Kanye had it right when he bitched that she shouldn't open the show, she just about put it to sleep! She's just lucky Michael Vick wasn't in the audience with that dog of a performance!
Ohh I missed it. Oh well I'm sure it's on youtube by now.
It is, but...why waste 3 precious minutes of your life?
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