Thursday, April 17, 2008

on my radar: parents of the corn

Where is your husband? "We are only worried about the safety of the children"
But where is your husband? "We are only worried about the safety of the children"
Have you spoken to your husband lately? "We are only worried about the safety of the children"...

and so sayeth the "Jeffs' Tribe Wives" over and over again, as if they were coached, drugged, or perhaps fembots programmed with only one answer. They appear as if they just moved from Stepford or the little house on the polygamist prairie. A strong argument, after observing several of the women's behavior, could be made that here that cloning has already gone well beyond "the valley of the Dollie" (and someone forgot to tweeze the original's eyebrows! Given the amount of ceremonial crap that goes on in the compound, someone could have saved up some candle wax to fix them unibrows)!

It used to be that only clowns frightened me, now the "Polygamist Wives" put me in hives! Someone needs to let them know that when they are on TV to look up at the cameraman!!!

here's the link:

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