Where have all the Mavericks gone? Two months ago there was a maverick on every street corner and newspaper headline; I couldn't string two sentences together without the pleasant sensation of "ma-ma-maverick" rolling over my tongue and between my lips, to then waif gingerly through the atmosphere until it reached the sweet lobes of an other's ears. A simple little shutter, a nervous giggle, upon reception of the word, let both the sender and recipient know, we both had been touched by a Maverick!
"Maverick" was to October 2008 what "Pet Rocks" were to a generation in the 70's. So where'd it go? There's been more transparency in how the governor planned to fill the Illinois Senate seat than visibility of the Maverick lately!
Come out, come out, where ever you are!
Now, nary can I find one to save my Maverick-less life! I couldn't even get a sip off of my drink, playing the "Maverick drinking game" last weekend; I ending up being the designated driver! Just two months ago, I was seeing sweet Jesus in the base of a lovely cool-watered porcelain toilet by 9PM when the game was played (that image of Jesus is currently for sale on ebay)!
Maverick, Maverick, wherefore art though Maverick?
I have attempted to fill the void with repeated viewings of "Maverick", the Jodie Foster version, but that shoe don't fit! "Top Gun" leaves me cold as Iceman, and I just don't care for Mark Cuban's version of the word, so I have let Dallas basketball play on without my eyeballs. In the illustrious words of Bonnie Tyler, "I'm holding out for a
Perhaps if I am a good boy, Santa will fill my stocking with, "Tales of Beedle the Bard", a good moisturizer, "Annie Lennox's" Greatest Hits CD, and a Maverick.
George Lucas brought back the Jedi's, I want a return of the
where have all the cowboys gone?
Now I'm humming the Brookem's song in my head.
Perhaps their mothers made them grow up to doctors or lawyers or such?
Be careful what you wish for.
(and I'm sad, I was totally going to make the Maverick movie joke, dammit!)
Princess- sorry I took the movie joke, but i've left the door oopen on madonna vanity label, "maverick records", jokes...
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