Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Ode of the 2008 Seattle Sports fan

Yes it absolutely sucked to be a Seattle Sports fan and this clip helps put the year in perspective- painfully.


Essentially Me said...

Happy Holidays!

EF said...

EM- you are my true holiday Sprite!
Cheers my dear- and thank heaven for another week without the brats!

egan said...

EM isn't so much a sports fan so yeah... you gotta love her. She did travel to Buffalo for an NFL game. I suppose we should travel to OKC or Portland for a basketball game.

It has been a shitty year for Seattle sports.

EF said...

The best thing I heard about Seattle's '09 sport season is it can't be as bad as '08 because the Sonics leaving town leaves one less losing team to watch!