"tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies, tell me lies..."
There is no Santa! I have fought long and hard to believe, but I am throwing in the towel on the mythology of Father Christmas this year!
Once again my few wishes were unanswered (screw you Garth Brooks!)!
All I asked for were four simple gifts:
1. Patience to deal with all these stupid holiday shoppers
2. ESP
3. A high tolerance for alcohol and drunk friends
4. A vodka tonic with a lime
Yep. Only one showed up and that was a day late. And trust me, Santa didn't pour the puppy I was handed! That's what bartender friends are for!
Since I did not get ESP, all my "late" gifts to friends are comprised of 2 liter Diet Cokes, McDonald's gift certificates, Burger King cologne and BBQ cornnuts. It's the thought that counts, right?
A critical note: had the vodka tonic showed up earlier in the week, and then I was granted gift number three, gifts one and two would have easily fallen into line...but no Virgina, there was no VT until the day after Christmas!
I'd sacrifice ESP for some McDonald's gift certificates.
Rachel: Howdy! I think I'm with you- I'd rather have the sweet bliss of ignorance into what others are thinking and settle for cheeseburger and fries!
Where are my presents?
The Burger King cologne had me so curious I went to the website, and seriously? It was intense. The music they play is worth the trip alone.
Eg: In the mail..I heard Tristan got one of his packages, so...
Brandy: Supposedly the cologne sold out in areas around NYC...I wonder if the Whopper beats the Big Mac there, too?
vodka tonics... mmm. mine with cranberry, please.
ps!-- you WON my HOH holiday giveaway! AXE! email me for more details!
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