That's right folks, it's time to strip bare the holiday cheer, go back to work and start praying for the winning lotto numbers because credit card bills will be here quicker than another shitty Adam Sandler movie can arrive into the theatre.
It is, after all, already January 5th, high time them lazy folks, and you know who you are, to take down all that is Christmas: ornaments, trees, angels, and lights- they all got to go! Technically, they have a day or two to go, seeing how the "12 days" plays out till Epiphany- well here's an Epiphany from my heart to yours: take that shit down!
Okay, maybe I really only mean this to the one or two tacky displays that make the local neighborhood streets look like an additional runway for the local airport, but for the love of half-inflated 8 feet snowmen, dirtier than a lost shoe at a Green Day mosh pit, let go of the season! Put up an old Farrah Fawcett poster instead if you want to salute an Angel!
Oh, and if my family is reading this (and only one does), Hello- like you can't order things online to get them here in time for the holidays? Just because YOU had more snow than Alaska this year doesn't mean
No! I refuse to take down my tree. I can't do it. It's so happy!
However, I agree with the crazy outdoor decorations. Take that shit down, indeed.
I didn't have a tree precisely because I knew I would be too lazy to take it down. I know. I'm pathetic, BUT- I think ahead, so it all balances out.
SM- the day your cats start living in the tree is one day too long that it has been up- if you own cats. Actually, a good Pine will slowly punish you all on its own, dropping needle by needle onto the floor- good luck swiffer!
Brandy- I mainly stand before the blogosphere handing down judgments on holiday decor because I (my partner, ahem) took my crap down the day before! If I hadn't I might be qualified to run for office! Judge yet yee be judged- something to that nature.
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