I'm not so sure I'd want the luck of the Irish.
First there's the whole potato famine thing that nearly wiped out Ireland, then there's the "alcoholic/vomiting explosively into the street" imagery/stereotype that pretty much gets attached to anyone who drinks beer in the country (it doesn't happen to every one...but, Frank McCourt wasn't doing anyone any favors when he wrote about it in "Angela's Ashes") and then there's a bunch of other stuff that just doesn't seem so lucky: IRA bombings, lots of rain, having to kiss a stone, Guinness Stout and I'm sure the lord of that dance is clogging around somewhere in the moors, not letting anyone nap! It almost reminds me of being a rabbit and wondering how on earth could losing one's foot be seen as lucky? Guess 'tis in the shining (Irish) eyes of the beholder.
Lucky Charms
Shamrock Shakes
These two items alone could almost convert me, almost. Fortunately, one I can pick up at the market any day of the week, so converting for Lucky Charms, although magically delicious, would be highly dramatic and symbolic at best, but not much more. Shamrock Shakes, on the other hand...well, they are as elusive as a Leprechaun's pot of gold! Where the hell did all the Shamrock Shakes go? Did a jealous Scot snap up the recipe and place it in Brigadoon? What gives with McDonald's making them so hard to find? That thick minty green shake is such a yummy treat, why did they make them go away? Why? Why? Why? Making Shamrock Shakes impossible to locate isn't lucky for anyone!
I'm going to go get a Shamrock shake this afternoon!! I'm super excited.
Funny thing, though - a few years ago I made my twice a year trip to Mickey D's (Christmas for the eggnog shake and March 17th for the Shamrock) on St. Paddy's day and tried to order a Shamrock shake and they were out. OUT!?! I was in shock. It's one thing if the restaurant doesn't have the shake in the first place. But to be out? At 11:00 in the morning on the one day the Shamrock shake represents? It's sole purpose for existing? It was madness and I was in shock for hours afterward.
Want to know something extremely fucked up? It happened again...no Shamrock Shake for me today. Bastards.
Supposedly there's a website (go figure) that locates which MickeyDee's offers the shakes!
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