Friday, March 20, 2009

Fear Factor

Dick Cheney has the audacity to tell Americans they are not safe under the Obama Administration. WTF does he know about creating safety? Does Feb. 11th, 2006, ring a bell, a-hole? Yeah, probably not because there has been so much subterfuge over the incident that happened around that date. Well, here's a reminder, it's "about the date" that you shot your hunting partner in the face. Um, about being safe? Really? I'm curious how Cheney defines "safe?" Apparently he's not factoring in friends you almost kill.

"hello? anybody here? ohmigod there's something coming at me in a horrifically bright blaze-orange vest, SHOOT IT! Uh, Harry? I thought you were a quail- sorry."

Let's talk about public safety under the Bush Administration. "American Idol" and reality TV boomed, how much more harm can we inflict on a nation? Isn't that enough? Lady Gaga came out of the Bush Administration as did Fountains of Wayne. Let the evidence speak for itself. I think I have made my case.

Ok, so under Obama there are a few casualties: Rihanna isn't as safe, but that's not his fault. Skiing accidents have harmed more than Obama has. True, the Ocotmom has emerged, but her pregnancy started in the Bush Administration and we are counting inception!

Truthfully, it's way to early to judge Obama, so shouldn't Cheney just shut his yap for a bit?

Yes, he who shoots his dear friends ought to just roll away back under a rock and play Cat's Cradle with Sarah Palin and clan.


egan said...

Cheney's ramping up for his 2012 white house bid.

brandyismagic said...

Agreed. As Jon Stewart said (who, let's face it, is the voice of reason and logic on all matters) Cheney just needs a hot cup of shut the fuck up.

EF said...

brandy: could you make it a double, extra hot and foamy?

eg: Palin /Cheney 2012...I think that is the last set of numbers Nic Cage learned in "knowing"...

golublog said...

Well I'm not safe in the woods with Dick Cheney so there.