Making "wise decisions" seems to be a skill set of the past. I recall, in my days of yore and pre-Shrek, being taught the value of sound decision-making and the wisdom to keep your trap shut until you are ready to stand behind that choice. Not so much in the NBA. Lately, the skill to "thinking before you speak" seems to be a talent regulated to 4th tier status, right next to David Hasselhoff's acting abilities.
Kobe Bryant boldly states he's, "leaving the Laker's and there's nothing anyone can do about it", and yet a day later he's backing away from that statement and saying how he wants to remain a Laker till he retires. What's up with the change of heart? All he accomplished was to whine in public and then renege on his statement. Shouldn't he have just kept his mouth shut till he talked to the owners before making these statements? And now Billy Donovan announces his leaving of Florida to coach the Orlando Magic, and then has second thoughts. Again, why not think it through before opening your mouth? Is that asking so much? Or is it just something about being associated with the NBA that makes one wishy-washy? Heck, how many times did MJ retire? Or Barkley or Rodman threaten un-retiring?
In a sport that could use some good press as much as Paris Hilton could, can't someone stand behind a decision they make? Is that asking too much? Heck, at least Paris is following through. How many of us could get away with the reckless statements and actions that the NBA people continue to make and keep the jobs we diss?
Damn! I need to start working on my 3-point shot!
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