Friday, June 22, 2007

on my radar: 56$K a day!

Who gets the last laugh now, beyetches?

Someone will have to amend the quote, "crime doesn't pay" to, "crime doesn't pay, but doing jailtime does!"
After adding up the purported price tags various media outlet will be paying for time with Paris post-jail, it is rumored that Miss Hilton will make approximately 56K for each day she was incarcerated!

Now what message are we sending to the youths of America? After decades of the message to rid neighborhoods of crime, suddenly there's incentive to get busted for doing something; I'm all about being a criminal if the payday is similar to Paris' (and no one gets hurt). And that I have a private cell (or atleast someone pretty). Imagine how much money the Titan's Pac-Man Jones could make if his felony charges stick! Maybe Michael Jackson could clear up his financial troubles doing some hard time!

So there's a lesson in here: who needs a high school diploma when the school of hard knocks pays better dividends?

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