The assault continues- is no sense safe?
1. Sight: way too abused via MTV and BET, I used to envy Hellen Keller.
2. Sound: Even dogs hear the highest pitches- that's no fantasy!
3. Taste: always been bad!
4. Feel: nauseated by career spanning the 1999-2007 years and when seen pushing an ice-cream cart.
5. Smell: until now I could escape that one! Probably like thrown-up cotton candy at a state fair.
The Sixth Sense: I saw her career dead years ago, but the bitch won't stay dead! Can't she be more like Martika??
Common Sense: never had, never will; meltdown in 2002 now blamed on global-warming.
And what's up with that picture? Looks like she's lying in a pool of someone's blood (Beyonce's?) getting ready to fart!
Save yo ur money, buy a Febreeze candle instead!
Just my two cents....
What is it with all these celebs making their own perfumes? And stinky ones at that? But then...I think all perfume is stinky, soooo.
Did I see a comment on Brandy's blog from you that you like Buffy the Vampire Slayer? Or was that snark?
I LOVE Buffy!!! Why didn't she come out with a scent?
It would appear that coming out with a fragance is the new thing to do when your career is at a stand still. I almost wish it was the 90's again and those with a career about to nosedive were making purses instead. Perfume... that's too personal. As for the really awful ones, can I say the fact that Antonio Bandaras (sp?) has a scent is proof that God hates us?
And why must Mariah Carey be naked to sell her perfume? Don't clothed people wear perfume too? And why do my comments on this site always involve the words "Mariah Carey" and "naked"? I need to rest.
2 words I hate to connect together...Mariah and naked...
Has anyone ever seen the left side of Mariah Carey's face? Ever.
When I was in high school some guy told me I look "exactly like Mariah". I'm glad you all have enough sense to see why I did not think that was a compliment!
My only question is does this woman own any clothes??? Rags??? Anything to cover her up??
She's definitely outgrown BabyGap, now I just wish she would quit shopping there!
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