last night i had the strangest dream
Bush was on a little slow boat to China
hoping for some peace to find ya
but then he said he had to get his laundry clean
WTF does President Bush think (does he think?) he is doing promising a peace treaty by year's end? Unless someone made him the arbitrator to the Writer's Guild strike and he mistook the Middle East for East Beverly Hills, and that's not a stretch for him to do, there is no way that he is going to broker a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians! Hell, he can't get us out of the mess that is our 7 year long Iraqi war!
I know he has a once-used banner "Mission Accomplished" folded up and tucked away in his closet, but he shouldn't get his hopes up that that sign will be used anywhere again in 2008 unless it's hanging outside of the Democratic National office in November (oh please! oh please! oh please!).
It scares me that he thinks he can hokey-pokey his way into a situation and just "make it work":
"you put your peace treaty in, you pull your troops out, mix up land borders and shake the people about, you do the peace-treaty pokey, that's what it's all about! Iraq now!"
Maybe Bush should stay "his course" in this last (lame duck) year and continue the current policy of ignoring everything significant and create big wins in the minor league stuff, like resolving the writer's strike! Bush could remove those pesky ambassadors from countries he can't locate (would any be left?) and have them work out of the Beverly Hilton until there's an agreement to get Wisteria Lane back in tip-top post tornado shape! Everybody wins with less reality tv!!
So, Bush should save the real stuff for the next president to clean up, man I hope s/he has a big mop!, and focus on getting us more 24! But, on second thought, can the strike be that bad if it's keeping the "Bionic Woman" off the air??
Yeah... I'm kinda confused about this too. I mean, I get the idea of wanting to end on a 'high note' but seriously? Bush is aiming a little high. And by "a little high" I think I'm being exceedingly generous. I'm shocked that the man appears fully dressed every day.
I'd just prefer him to be quiet and sit in a corner until this all passes!
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