Oh what will be said tonight when we are addressed (for the final time! Almost hurt my self jumping up and down) by W? Anybody listening in? I hope he tackles the tough stuff and then stops; give us his predictions for the Oscar race and if the WGA strike will be over anytime soon (well, he was pretty lame at predicting a short war with Iraq, what makes me think he'll do better on American soil?) finger point at the dirty sports players and then leave the podium. Maybe give us some inside scoop on what killed Heath Ledger and then go away...
Golly that would be nice, but I doubt it.
Five platforms I would like to think he could focus on this year:
1. His daughter's wedding- who doesn't love a wedding (if you get to have one...)
2. Revisiting the medical licenses of Dr Phil and Dr Adams (or appoint a committee)
3. Catch up on "24"
4. Start renting moving vans
5. Maybe kick out Rhode Island from the union or annex Canada...
Just thinking these projects could help keep him from doing anything important, like fix the economy, end the war, peace in the middle east, environmental stuff...like the first 7 years.
I'm thinking he's going to talk about how much the surge worked and how it was an excellent idea. I wish he would talk about what sort of drug Laura is on- I've yet to ever see that woman without a smile plastered on her face.
And some talk of the wedding would be nice.
Laura is like the female "Joker" with that smile...makes me nervous! I bet she's saying, "only 10 more months and I can quit this charade of joy!"
I hate that bastard.
1. I LOVE that song on your sidebar.
2. Speaking of Dr's with tv shows, have you seen Celebrity Rehab with Dr Drew?
Airam- I have a few friends who recieved "countdown calendars-2008" to help make it thru the year, each a day a step closer...
Tori- Leona Lewis won the British version of American Idol; I stumbled across this song, love it too! Celebrity Rehab scares the beejesus out of me! I feel a need for a drink when watcing it (through my fingers)- Jeff Conway just blew me away with his physcial appearance. "you can't keep me here!"
Seriously! If I was in to trying to scare my kids straight, I would make them watch it. I bet they would never try any kind of drug after seeing that! I used to think he was cute, and now he just terrifies me that he could end up like that! It reminds me of how I feel about Corey Haim (right? he's the Corey that was all drugged out forever and still looks a little out of it?)
Annex Canada? You guys tried that already, remember? We burned down your White HOOSE.
Although, it WOULD mean that we could vote in the next election..
Ok; let's negotiate.
Tori- this is the "scared straight" reality show! As for Corey, you got the right one and you can breathe easier knowing his "The 2 Corey's Show" just got picked up for season 2...
Carrie- Thanks for bringing up another war we didn't win. :-)
I love Canada, maybe annexing it is wishful thinking to get a stronger dollar!
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