Saturday, January 05, 2008

on my radar: redundancy

it's so hard
to say goodbye
to yesterday

Fight as I might, I feel myself back-pedaling into 2007. I told myself '07 is gone and now I must shepherd myself forward into '08 and see where the chips fall- no going back to 2007 stories; and for about 23 hours there was silence and bliss, like a park after a fresh snowfall, yet to be disturbed by the young ones. Then it happened, the rapid crashing-to-earth reality, like watching the New Year's ball drop in fast-motion, 2007 was everywhere in these wee few hours of 2008. The dams didn't hold! 2007 was seeping in everywhere. I was frantically yelling to Jack and Rose to run, the ship did not miss the iceberg, we were sinking!

What first surfaced were the pictures of Ms. Lohan, off the wagon and downing the bubbly, half a world away. She was back and TMZ was taking us there. Hadn't she "Promised", from 2007, to stay out of the limelight and not drink alcohol? "Freaky Rehab Friday" redux, already?!?

Not to be out done, less than 48 hours later, and a mere 72 into a new year, there goes Britney in an ambulance- off for psycho evaluations (not of the "Medium" kind!) Sadly, I wanted for the bygone days of a bald-headed and umbrella-toting mouseketeer;
gurney-strapped and daft was not what I envisioned for ringing in 2008.

And so it goes, nary 100 hours into 2008 and the issues of 2007 resurface, a clean slate shattered; in the words of Britney, "you wanna a piece of it"?

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