For a disorder not often front-page news (its last big hurrah was Sally Field's "Sybil"), multiple personalities is making a come back! ("Dont call it comeback, I've been here for years")
Just last week two high profile personalities (and I am going to use their most famous "personality" for simplicity sake) admitted to suffering from this psychotic disorder.
Okay, no one is shocked about Britney; maybe there are even a few relieved peeps thankful for this diagnoses so that they can rationalize the past 3 years (encompassing that awful marriage, "Blackout", the British accent, and endless hours of TMZ footage) of her existence with a simple dismissal of "it wasn't really her". I beg to differ, unless she goes back far enough to also include the making of "Crossroads", it's all or nothing for me! Interestingly enough, that would date us back to 2002 and also excuse 2003's "In the Zone" CD. And what else happened in 2002? Her break-up with JT! Now, I'm no shrink (or Dr. Phil), but I'm comfortable going out on a limb on this one; by delicately tip-toeing back through the past 5 years of Britney's life, it is readily apparent that all of Britney's problems are because of her break-up with Justin. There, it's been said! Cry me a river!
Herschel Walker, on the other hand, seems a bit more surprising seeing how's there's nothing he has to explain away: he won the Heisman and Georgia won the football championship during his time. But, according to a book coming out later this year, he, too (two?), suffers from multiple personalities. Maybe signing with the USFL could have been a clue? It will be interesting to see his story.
Given the propensity for strange behavior, might Prince Frederick von Anhalt (Zsa Zsa's husband) or Amy Winehouse be far behind in their declarations of co-inhabitants of the self?
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