As I was reading McPaper today I came across an article (and photos) that really got me to thinking about how lucky I am that I'm not famous (yet)! As the media continues to crash the images of the train wreck of Britney Spears through your TV and into your dining room area (as good of a reason as any not to watch TV while eating dinner!), and we watch her go from Annette Funicello to Courtney Love/Frances Farmer with a quick flick of the wrist and an electric shaver, I was startled to see how in just 2.5 years the same transformation happened to the other Amtrak accident, Amy Winehouse. Look at how beautiful she used to be in mid-2005.
I know there's a lot of pressure on women these days to promote a certain image and shape, and I mean no disrespect to the Twiggy's and leaner women of the world, but common on, you have to admit the 2005 image is so much healthier and vibrant (and less tattooed 'she'll always have you') than v.08!
I rarely like to step on others to make myself feel better (it's usually just for fun), but...if any of you need a quick personal "pick-me-up", maybe you should just be happy you are you, and not Amy or Britney. If that doesn't work, watch an ep. of Celebrity Rehab to do the trick...or sing along with MJB (below)! One of these will definitely do the trick!!
That doesn't even look like the same girl! Wow! I tend to think most people look better with a little meat on their bones anyway.
Celebrity rehab makes me think I am doing pretty well with my life for sure!
From everything you have shared, Tori, you are doing amazing!
Dude. I can't even believe those photos. I knew that she had (obviously) more healthy looking before but when you see the pictures right next to each other- I have to be dead serious here and say it's completely heartbreaking.
I do not want to be famous.
I think her body size now has more to do with cocaine than anything else. It's sad when things start to spiral for such talented artists.
Brandy, I was so shocked! I had to double-check to make sure it was the same person. Too late, you are famous!
Airam- perhaps the coke, or the crackpipe smoking, liquor, pot or late nights; then again, maybe it's just a bad camera angle....:-)
I'm with Brandy- seeing those pictures side by side is just really... sad. She was actually really pretty before.
I quite enjoy the MJB tune, thank you for that.
Brookem- anything to help chase the blue monster away!
I am so damn amazed at what she looked like previously. It is funny how even if I hadn't been reading about her life in detail for the past year, you could tell how much she's been through just by the before and after shots.
WAH! What HAPPENED to her? Since when was looking like a lollipop considered attractive? Please, someone tell me why!
PP- With life's rich pagent, how could ya skip over reading about this banquet of crazy? It's served daily on virtually every channel and airwave (usurped only by britney escorts to the hospital and OJ arrests). The picturse aint a tragic tale..a Monet if i may say so...
Carrie- Trust "Amy" to be the answer to the question of what your body does on drugs. Not lookings so good, eh? Esh!
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