Don't do the crime if you ain't got the time!
Great drama is unfolding in Detroit and it has nothing to do with 8 Mile or M&M!
The current mayor, Kwame Kilpatrick, had an affair with Christine Beatty, his chief of staff, several years ago; both were married at the time. The mayor used his bodyguards to cover up the tryst. Two police who investigated the affair and cover-up were fired by the mayor. The police alleged the firings were unfair because of their whistle-blower investigation. During this trial, both Kwame and Christine, under oath, denied their affair. The jury found in favor of the fired police, costing Detroit tax payers $6.5 million. Now, old text messages sent between Kwame and Christine have been discovered and prove they did have an affair. Chrisitine has quit, but the mayor, named by Time magazine in 2005 as one of "America's worst mayors," says he will not. What the hell?
How can this man, who is a lawyer (and can face losing his law license or perjury charges), think he can do the city any good by staying in office? His selfish behavior and cut throat survivalist mentality expose everyone around him to the dangerous actions he will take for his own gains. The only people getting screwed, without having the pleasure of an orgasm, happen to be the people of Detroit (like the Lions and Tigers don't let them down enough already)! They've paid once for the lawsuit and are likely to pay again in a legal battle. What example is Kilpatrick setting to those out on 8 Mile by saying I can lie and not be held accountable? Which laws don't apply to him? Why should they apply to anyone else?
I wish Eli Stone could fly in that bi-plane to Detroit and represent the city against the mayor: as Eli emerges from the courthouse, victoriously, they could use the background music, "I fought the law and the law won!"
"the only people being screwed, without the pleasure of having an orgasm ..."
Oh man. You are all kinds of awesome.
Airam- as I watch this story unfold,and the mayor continuing to screw his constituency, I might wager a bet that the people of Detroit could claim they were slipped a ruffie and then date-raped!
It is one thing to have an affair.
It is entirely another to use municipal resources AND fire two innocent people to cover up said affair.
This is sketchy to the nth degree!
Princess- I couldn't agree with you more!
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