Oh fiddle-dee-dee! Despite the end of the writer's strike 2 weeks ago, the Oscars were broadcast as if the strike was still going on, given all the film montages and horrible lines that were doggedly trotted out over the very excruciating painful night. Jon Stewart couldn't get a good joke handed to him if Glad Trash Bags were a sponsor and Tilda Swinson a presenter! Seriously, no, seriously, what was up with that dress?
So I am left wondering, in that Monday-morning-quarterback sort of way, was I channeling my inner psychic to predict a drab Oscar night or was it simply karma because the writer's strike took so much time to resolve?
Initial ratings place the night's viewership down markedly from last year, I guess I wasn't alone in the blase approach to "Hollywood's Biggest Night!" It was just hard to get all psyched up for this award show knowing Lindsay Lohan couldn't win and Burt Reynold's wouldn't be presenting and Jimmy Kimmel and Ben Affleck's skit would never make the show.
But karma may have been afoot, lest we forget that under all that glitters and shines in Hollywood, the foundation for success is almost always built from strong writers and when you go off like the big executives did and drag out a resolution for months, costing the industry about $2.5 billion, something just might come back and bite ya in the ratings like another "Howard the Duck" film. Talk about lame...
Hey, what was up with the slick spot on the stage (karma?), about 4 stars (Miley, Colin, John T., and someone else...) almost bit it big time walking out; that would have given us something to talk about...were the janitors on strike?
If ya missed it:
Highlights : Heidi Klum and Renee Zellweger dresses
Low: Tilda Swinson
A sea of red. Klum did look stunning. Jon Stewart is so arrogant, kidding.
That was a pretty funny comment after such a humble thank you by Glen Hansgard! An adlib no less!
Not a fan of Tilda's hair or dress. And, she's way too thin, in my humble opinion, that is.
I thought Heidi and Seal were the definition of classy. They're such a gorgeous pair.
Tilda looked like a nut. Seriously. I'm all for being different, but she just looked... bizarre. And not in an attractive way. Or even a 'so unique and different, even though I don't like it I can appreciate it' way. She just looked... weird.
And my above comment clearly illustrates why I will never have my own pre-OScar show.
Tilda Swinton looked hideous!
And, though I loved her dress, Renee Zellweger's head looked way too big for her tiny little body.
But, seriously, the Rock presenting an Oscar??
Brookem, Brandy and Princess- Tilda has always been very Bowiesque in her appearances, and that's not a good thing. She usually plays really unique roles, going back to her androgynous roots in the 86 movie "Orlando" (great movie- she gets reincarnated into both genders thru the film; kinda like Cate Blanchett).
Princess- you had to mention The Rock. He did look good though...I mean the outfit and all.
Thank God I don't watch television.
No TV? blasphemy!
Yeah, I loved that he said. Such perfect timing that Mr. Stewart has. I think he's pretty neat.
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