Damn it!
It's coming up on Thursday and I have to go to work, again!
This will mark the fourth day IN A ROW that I have had to show up at my 10x10 cell and put in about 9 hours of being present, pleasant and polite (not served in equal quantities, mind you) this week. Can you believe the nerve of my company to demand such a slavesque (ain't no disrespecting anybody with this comment, ok Starr?) performance out of me, week-in and week-out? Goodness, If I were Clemens I'd swear my boss was McNamee!
Let me break this down to what I am forced to do:
I have to wake up (and then actually get up)at an ungodly hour just to make sure I get to work on time- how unreasonable is that? I barely have any control of one of man's most primitive functions, sleeping, all because my company demands me to show up to work by about 8.30AM. Ooh!
I have to be somewhat dressed in a passably businessy-casual sort of way, not too Cody Diablo, but not too George Hamilton either. This forces me to pay attention to fashion trends and GAP and Banana Republic commercials, so as not to be dressed offensively. Thus, I have to help do my part to stave off the recession by spending money on said attire so I can go to said job by said designated time.
Lord, I am not even to work and I have had to do sooo much already!
I need to eat or I will be worse than Oscar the Grouch to be around, hence I must educate myself on finer dining tips and purchase the perfect coffee mug that will help convey both me and my java to the workplace with out a scalding incident. Hhmm, there's a workers comp claim just waiting to be filed!
My blood is practically boiling just thinking about everything I HAVE TO DO for my company to allow me to work for it! It's drinking down just about every sip of my milkshake! The nerve of my organization to do all of this to me! I 'm just wondering, can I sue them for forcing me to do all of this?
Well, if she can sue, why can't I try?
Would most agree this is harassment? (click here for link)
1 comment:
Hmm... I know you're doing your part to stave off the economic turndown, but there are hardly any good 'deals' for men as there are for women.
That is, unless you head to Century 21. Oh Ceuntry 21.
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