So the Grammy's kind of came and went without much of a whimper, some what like the run of "Gossip Girls" over on the CW, or would it be more appropriate to say like the "Miss America" pageant? Quick, who won 2008's Miss America (she was crowned just 2 weeks ago....)? Miss Michigan!
Nothing is likely to become iconic, like Britney's "movement on the stage (I dare not call it dancing for the love of Carrie Anne and Bruno) at the VMA's, or JLo's dress a few years back; and with Amy scheduled to perform there was sooo much potential! Might I suggest it was a tad dull?
The Cliff Notes version of the Grammy's would read something like this:
Rehab (contrary to prior assessments) is for winners, Obama beats another Clinton, Kayne is still an arrogant a**hole, feathers just don't make for a great dress, Rihanna (unless Ellen's swan counts), they are for dusting, which is pretty much what Amy Winehouse did to the competetion, "American Idol" is a force to be reckoned with within the "legit" music industry, Aretha Franklin is close to the size of a Macy's balloon in the Thanksgiving Day parade, can Kanye see in those glasses or was that LeVar Burton, Tina can still roll on a river like nobody's business and no one will ever remember who won album of the year, better yet, has anyone bought it?
Well, there's always next year
What the fuck is she wearing?
Essentially- I don't quite know, but I'm thinking it was lent to her by Bjork or Alice, the Brady's maid!
My favourite quote about the Grammys:
Boyfriend: "Did Kanye West win anything?"
Me: "Yeah, he won a couple."
Boyfriend: "Damn!"
Me: "Why, don't you think he deserved to win?"
Boyfriend: "He's so much more entertaining when he loses!"
Princess- I loved the slam Kanye gave to Herbie Hancock, inadvertently. Assuming that Winehouse would win the Album award, Kanye precongratulated her when he picked up one of his awards, saying that her CD was as deserving of it as his was..." so what about the one that ended up winning? Vince Gill got him with a zinger, too!
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