I live, observe and read, therefor I must write to see if I was the only one paying attention to what they said and what they were wearing. Can't get enough of me? check out a more serious side at "dabblingswithevans".
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
How to bomb without really trying
A boy and a horse

Monday, January 29, 2007
They shoot horses, don't they?
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Sticks and Stones

Thursday, January 25, 2007
Atlanta* has a whorehouse in it!

Cruise on a Cross

Wednesday, January 24, 2007
"Idol" thoughts

Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Fly the quieter skies

Lady Sings the Blues (and misses gold)

Monday, January 22, 2007
A clue in a shoe?

Friday, January 19, 2007
An Open Letter

Thursday, January 18, 2007

A Lohan parking job?

Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Pot! Kettle! Red, White and Asphyxiated-blue

Here's the press story: "President Bush on Tuesday criticized the handling of Saddam Hussein's execution, saying it looked like "kind of a revenge killing" that had eroded the American public's faith in the Iraqi government."
After receiving criticism from Bush about their handling of the execution of Saddam Hussein and his brother, Iraq's leadership responded with the following statement:
"Talk to the non-severed hand, Mr. USA! Of course it was a revenge killing! It's what you told us to do- you said no one would notice, just like claiming we owned the non-existent weapons of mass (Iraqi) destruction! Now, once you can fix the war and oil prices, stabilize our government, get your troops out of our country then you can bitch about how tight we tie our ropes! At least we follow through with our death penalties in a timely manner!"
Oh yeah, fix your (brother's Florida) execution problems before you complain about ours! and shouldn't you be worried about Americans faith in your government?"
Cheers- Iraq
PS...how are those oil stocks performing?Tuesday, January 16, 2007
A game we can all win!
Monday, January 15, 2007
Clap 101

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Friday, January 12, 2007
Just in time for Valentine's!

The evil that men do...


Thursday, January 11, 2007
Rescue Me!
"Out damn 'CATS'", I say!

"Pills"-bury Doh! Boy
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Now It Makes Sense!

Uh-hum! A recount, Mr. Blackwell, PLEASE!!
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
An Inconvenient Truth!

2 out of 3 ain't bad!
Oh No! Mr.Bill!

Monday, January 08, 2007
on my radar: Scents and the City
Based on the play of the two NYC "professional" football teams, the Giants and the Jets, over the weekend, early suspicions focused on either of those NFL clubhouses as the cause of the stench, but neither panned out.
Also confounding authorities is that neither Rosie nor Donald Trump are currently in New York City, which many had also speculated as the possible origin of the odor.
Meteorologist might have discovered the answer. They noted severe wind gusts were occurring in the greater metropolitan area and that what many local New Yorkers were initially identifying as "foul air" might simply be actually fresh air that's been blown in to the city and has temporarily replaced the cigarette and exhaust smoke that is so familiar to midtown Manhattanites.
One person wondered aloud, "is this what moral decay smells like?" Too which another person piped up,"nope, I've been to New Orleans and it smells nothing like this!"
Let's just agree to blame New Jersey!
Hussein says, "American football, I Want You!"
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Trump says, "she's a fat bitch!"
Friday, January 05, 2007
Good War Hunting
Banish the Electoral College(even though admission standards are low)!

Watch the show and then vote for your favorite!
This is the niftiest thing since hanging-chads were discovered in Florida! Why can't our government take a page right out of NBC's playbook and hold auditions for the presidency?
Since we can't trust our votes at the ballot box, let's give them over to AT&T to be heard! Maybe I can download "Hail to the Chief" for my new ringtone!
And since we can't trust our own votes, let's enact term limits, too!
Oh yeah, since England did this reality-show idea already we could give them credit for helping found our government!!
Saving all my crap for you!

Thursday, January 04, 2007
The rattle of the cattle of a new year!
Can this relationship workout?
on my radar: american icons
Alas, it seems that 2007 is looking a lot like 2006 as we kick things off: Rosie and Trump are still at it; it must mean he's got a show to promote or a new casino to bankrupt; Britney, nothing more needs to be said about her since it can all be seen on film or "Youtube". My one question, when is the last time anyone (besides Liza Minelli) ended up "out" on the floor at a party because they "fell to sleep"? Let's hope at some point someone gives them all resolutions to be a bit less visible....which leads me to...
Over the weekend a couple icons were rolled out in front of the television viewing audience; one had no option, the other probably had no idea. How they were handled gets me to wondering, what becomes of a semi-legend most and how should we salute our icons as they age?
When your husband, a former US President passes away, it won't matter how bad off you are looking, you will be shown on TV! Bless that poor Betty Ford, who's getting along remarkable well for 88! She looked like she could crumble at any moment during Gerald's funeral processions- she probably walked more in these past couple days then she has in the past 2 years combined! Kudos' to those who kept her going! And for all that she did in her time; what I wouldn't do to see Laura Bush kick back a few drinks and be interviewed by Barbara Walters (just don't let her drive)!
On the other hand, dressing up Muhammad Ali and literally (golf) carting him onto the football field to kick off the Orange Bowl was a travesty, unless you are making an argument for why boxing shouldn't be allowed ("Rocky's" 2-6 are another good reason). I was hoping to call Lee Iacocca to see if he'd help fund another landmark restoration project! For being only 65, Ali was a sad sight to behold and it's arguable if he even knew what was going on...Betty Ford might have been able to KO him if they'd been together! Ali's legacy might be better served if these appearances were kept out of the media!
It just me shudder to think in 2050 they might be dragging Britney or Rosie out there...
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Theme weddings to show you Car(ri)e.