To each generation, a religion is born, one that will gradually lay a claim of Supremacy to all others. The Christians have been hanging tough for a few centuries, but watch out, the Scientologist are trying to make a move towards the front of the herd, and they've made Tom Cruise the Grand Marshall of the UFO-themed parade. Correction, they've elevated him to the "Christ-like" figure of the L Ron Hubbardites. The Jews served up Jesus on a cross, the Muslims won't show us Muhammad and Jenna Elfman and Kristie Alley promote "Maverick" on a stick! If there is a sign of an impending Armageddon, this might be it! Apparently, it was just a simple misinterpretation of a "world war" being nascent to the end of times, with Cruise's crappy "War of the Worlds" signaling the demise of mankind. Oops! Yo Moses! You say "Reed Sea", people misinterpret it as "Red Sea".
Can you imagine what people will think centuries from now when they view the "body of Tom's work" in reverence to his "deitiness"? "I never noticed the hidden meaning of life in "Legends," or how was I to know that "Risky Business" was a theological masterpiece masquerading as a comedy?" Was Mimi Rodgers Mary Magdalene or was that Nicole Kidman? Is Oprah a modern day Judas, betraying Mr. Cruise with a couch? So many questions maybe I should call my local Scientology branch for some answers!
Funny, while Delta aims to remove references of god from it's movies, another company hopes to make movie stars into their gods...
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