Monday, January 08, 2007

on my radar: Scents and the City

NEW YORK (CNN) -- New York officials evacuated a number of buildings and shut down some trains after a mysterious gaslike odor was reported Monday.

Based on the play of the two NYC "professional" football teams, the Giants and the Jets, over the weekend, early suspicions focused on either of those NFL clubhouses as the cause of the stench, but neither panned out.

Also confounding authorities is that neither Rosie nor Donald Trump are currently in New York City, which many had also speculated as the possible origin of the odor.

Meteorologist might have discovered the answer. They noted severe wind gusts were occurring in the greater metropolitan area and that what many local New Yorkers were initially identifying as "foul air" might simply be actually fresh air that's been blown in to the city and has temporarily replaced the cigarette and exhaust smoke that is so familiar to midtown Manhattanites.

One person wondered aloud, "is this what moral decay smells like?" Too which another person piped up,"nope, I've been to New Orleans and it smells nothing like this!"

Let's just agree to blame New Jersey!

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