Why did the fool have to drag this damn thing on for so darn long?
It seems like "the chase" has been run longer than a Senate Filibuster! And just as boring!
The only reason to be thrilled that a cheater has now claimed the title (and I'm not talking about the Tour de France winner) is the hope that all the media surrounding "the event" will now cease and we can all get back to whatever was being preempted! No more split-screens like "The View"- that just gave me a headache, shutting whichever eye aligned to the half of the television screen that was suddenly forced to witness another "at bat" moment....there's a "Precious Moments" figurine that I doubt will be cast!
Hang in there Hank...I'm sure an asterisk will be inserted shortly!!
yeah, enough already! it's all over the news. im done with it.
Ahh, thankfully there's been an Iron Chef marathon on and I've missed most of the hoopla. Thank God. Barry just looks like he would annoy me if I heard him speak.
And in case the masses are curious, yes, Iron Chef marathons are pretty fantastic. Defintely better than Rachel Ray, who I dislike. Hmm, Rachel Ray, Barry Bonds... maybe I just like people who have same first and last name initials? No, I like Janis Joplin so clearly my theory does not fit.
You know what I love about it? Hank said that he didn't want to be there when it happened because he wanted the focus to be on whoever broke the record. Which is awesome he said that (and shows how much of a great guy Hank Aaron was and is!) and if anyone else had broke the record, I think it would have played that way. But since Bonds broke it and no one likes him except for the Bay area and he's such a prick and all the speculation about 'roids - the focus is still on Hank. Which is what is cracking me up about the whole situation. So, yeah...I think that the hype is going to die down pretty fast.
Brandy, I'm not a Rachel Ray fan either. Holy hell that woman drives me batty and she's trying to become the Oprah of the food world. I mean seriously - she's taking over everything!
damn rachel ray sure is taking over everything! imagine my disgust every time i go to a dunks to get a delicious iced coffee and have to see her perky face as the new poster child for their lattes. it's insane. she annoys me too. uh, clearly.
When I hear her say 'yum-O', I just wish someone would punch her. In the ovaries. Okay, I'm going to stop. Wow. I don't know a lot about blogging etiquette, but I'm pretty sure it's poor form to use a mans blog to hold a discussion on all the reasons you dislike Rachel Ray. Sorry brother #3.
Damn Ladies....I leave to do work and I come back to a RR free-for-all, why didn't someone call me earlier??!!! :-) Brook, you are so right about seeing her face at DunkinDonuts and almost turning away- but then i think, why punish myself?
And Brandy, that's so kind to worry about etiquette, but not with me....go ahead and throw them punches...hit her in the ovaries if you must...or, if you can, try and get her to "pinch herself in a ladder"....Yum-o!!!
ARM- Hank is CERTAINLY taking the higher (non 'roided)road! And didn't have to chase around the guy- yuck!
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