Thursday, August 02, 2007

on my radar: OZ

While I was wittling away the hours, consulting with the flowers...awaiting my plane
I caught a funny notion, that put my mind in motion and handly Bush's administration it did explain!
It had to do with people in the government arena
who make me wanna screama...

A recasting of "The Wizard of Odds"....
Dick Cheney as the man who lacks a heart
Alberto Gonzales as the man who lacks the nerve
And good old Bush as the one who lacks the brains
Condi can be the wicked witch

Sadly, we, lost in this administration, could all be Dorothy- just seeking to get home? Or is that the US soldiers?

And true to the story, in this version, there's no real wizard to help save the day...until November 2008 Or James and the Giant Impeachment!


armalicious said... have real talent there, ef. You are hella good at changing lyrics. You should teach a class for it because I can't do it to save my soul.

And look at you! Cute must run in your family.

Airam said...

Hey you! I second Arm's comment when she says "cute must run in the family."

Listen dude ... me and my girls (arm, brookem, brandy, candace, heather) have started a book blog here:

and we would like to know if you'd like to participate?? This is an informal type blog where you'd only post after you've finished a book and you'd write a review of it. If you're interested let me know and I"ll send you an invite!!!

You're going to be an uncle again very soon!!!

EF said...

Hey ladies...thanks for the compliment, but I don't know if I am really related to Eg. My mom claims we are, but I keep hoping I had a different dad (like the milkman) and she was just drunk one'd be so DYNASTY-esque!

I love reading and do it pretty quickly, so count me in...It's like being the only guy joining The View!

Airam said...


Umm ... wanna send me an email I can send the invite to?

egan said...

Is this a political post? What's wrong with you? First you go posting a picture of yourself and then politics?

Have you gone completely mahd? (which movie is that from?)

Hey, there's no denying we're siblings bro.