Apparently, it's still too hot in Georgia so the devil made a U-turn and high-tailed it to Salem instead; thus leading the locals into a "witch fight". No, seriously. Is this what happens when good witches go bad?
"SALEM, Mass. (Aug. 23) - A self-proclaimed high priestess of Salem witches and a second person were accused of tossing raccoon parts on the doorsteps of businesses, allegedly as part of a Wiccan community feud. Sharon Graham, 46, and a fellow Wiccan, Frederick Purtz, 22, pleaded not guilty Wednesday to charges of littering and malicious destruction of property. Graham also was charged with intimidating a witness. They were accused of putting a raccoon head and entrails on the doorsteps of Angelica of the Angels and the Goddess' Treasure Chest in May."
This reads like a low-rent version of the "Witches of Eastwick", just no cherry pits.
It's good to know that in this technological world of computers and reality checks, that witches still do exist...and that they use their powers not to heal the world, but to dismember nocturnal mammals and leave them on the doorsteps of their enemies, like a postal-wiccan Amway salesperson ; calling Dr. Bombay, come right away!
Someone get the Charmed Ones to help referee this magical Hatfield's-McCoy before they make Michael Vick look pet friendly! Witches fighting is so not fetch!
I always wished I could cast spells. That would be so freakin cool.
Dr. Bombay! Do you know how much I love all the refrences you make?
You rock! And I am with airam...casting spells would be lots of fun.
You two DON'T have magic powers?
Huh, well that must suck! Of course, my power is one of the worst ones...and can rarely be used for good...I have incredible freaknatic powers! I draw them in by the bus load...infact, i might start driving the Patridge Family bus just for convenience sake!
Witch...charmed one would be the best to take care of this? Phoebe, Piper, or Pru? Or...Rose McGowan's character (damn, why can't I remember her name?)?
(amanda, no you didnt!)
i should use my powers to stop this dismembering business in salem. it's only about 40 mins away from me. mwahahaha.
I think either Pru or Paige would have been best to handle this...but since Pru is dead, my props go to the youngest Halliwell!
Brookem- just remember to use "practical magic" nothing too flashy (Sandra then Nicole).
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