Could the "KFC" trial in Texas simply be about folks who wanted a "KFC Bowl" and were told "No"?
I don't mean to make light of a ghastly crime, but that old tangential mind of mine started strolling the minute I saw those three fattening letters, "KFC", in the evening news; and where pray tell did I stroll? To the land of corn, mashed potatoes (buttered, of course!), chicken, extra gravy and heaps of fat; ah, the infamous KFCBowl!
Sure there is enough fat in one bowl to make Nicole Richie look healthy, but oh is that one tasty 3-meal replacement dish! You only need to run a marathon to burn off the calories!
The concept is so clever: mix everything you might ever want in a "comfort food" meal together in a bowl, try to market it in Sanjaya's (who?) hair, advertise it as complete dinner and viola; every lazy red-blooded American has just spoon feed themselves their next orgasm!
Next time you have sex, skip the cigarette and dig into "the Bowl"...and if you keep at it, soon you won't want (or get) the sex.
Screw being thin, this year, sin is in! And KFC has it by the bowlful!
Dammit...now I want KFC for some reason.
For some reason...shit. Like I don't know why. Thanks.
Oh - and congrats, Uncle!!
Thank You- haven't heard a peep from Eg since the initial announcement...Anna might be taking up some time, ya think?
kfc.... eeek!
yes, congrats uncle!
I have never heard of the KFC bowl ... I wonder if this is one of those things that only you lucky Americans have access to.
When I came home from the hospital after one of my surgeries, I totally craved this. I made my husband drive all over the place looking for one that was still open. I have only had it that one time, but it was the best thing ever.
Hey ladies...
Brook- I felt the same way, but then that first tasty bite....which as Radioactive(are you related to Electrowoman and/or Dynagirl?) mentioned is so darn scrumptous, that you (Airam) just might be lucky to NOT have them around to drive you (or in Radio's case- her husband) nuts looking for them! I do believe they could easily be replicated at home...just probably not as fattening!!
FYI...Anna makes me an Uncle for the 7th time...woo! woo!
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