Monday, July 09, 2007

Blessed be Natalie Merchant for whom I butcher...
"they say I must be one of the wonders..." but let's stick to man's own creation and leave God out of it...and thus the "New" Seven Wonders were unveiled Saturday night; yes, on 07/07/07....a perfect wedding date for the millions of men who will now have no reason to forget their anniversary!

So after millions of votes, there are now a new group of seven wonders of the world; stuff like the Great Wall (I can build a wall), Petra, Pyramids, and statues all made the list...but I have a better list.

Here's my picks for true wonders, in no particular order(and easily debatable and changeable):

1. How to make authentic Thai coconut soup- I do something wrong every time!
2. The acting career of Nicolas Cage
3. The reunion of Van Halen (is it sponsored by Promises)?
4. Models marrying (not pretty) rock stars
5. W. Bush's second term
6. Pauly Shore
7. Soduko


Airam said...

I'm loving this list ...

Especially the acting career of Nicolas Cage ... or how he was able to catch the attention of Elvis' daughter (good god my mind is drawing a blank as to what her name is).

How about pretty girls who date/marry Nicolas Cage?

armalicious said...

Airam! It's Lisa Marie!

EF, this is quite possibly the funniest 7 wonders list. Especially #6. Was it hard for you to pick between him and Rob Schneider?

Soduko is the devil.

EF said...

hello ladies!

Sadly this list was quite easy to create...I leaned to Pauly b/c I just a movie with Rob and I almost laughed twice...

Lisa Marie...she's got an incredible short list of "gems" for hubbies...gosh, if I ever want to think of 2 reasons I'm happier not being famous....I'd place not having been married to M.Jackson and NC right there next to Alec Baldwin and Hasselhoff!

megabrooke said...

i loved this list too. and that you mentioned natalie merchant, ha!

EF said...

Brookem- if I could write the tale of my'd be much like Moulin Rouge...the parts with lyrics being used as speech, not so much the Absinthe and prostitution and green fairy (okay, maybe some...)

Radioactive Tori said...

I used to think Nicolas Cage was cute/interesting. Now I just think he is creatively different, and not so much my kind of guy.

I love the list!