Dear Mr. Chertoff,
The next time you have a "gut feeling" about possible terrorist activity in the USA, take some Pepto-Bismal and keep your mouth shut! How stupid was it for him to say, "I just have a gut feeling we might be attacked?" Poll the American population, virtually everyone thinks something will happen here, again, at some point....that ain't rocket science; that's called hedging your bets!
How much are we paying you for those brilliant, gov't funded hunches? Nostradamus did the same crap for free...and with a little leeway, everything he said can be interpreted to being correct. It's been 6 years since the last major attack, it would come as no surprise if another happened any day, but will Chertoff be dubbed a genius because he "felt" something might happen?
Why should the US spend millions (trillions) on all our "intelligence gathering networks"(and see how far that stuff got us) when we can just check to see if Chertoff saw his shadow to guess what will happen next?
Oh wait, I'm prognosing something...when the world series comes around, either an ALS team will win the championship, or they will lose it. Just a gut feeling...or is it bad gas?
Sybill Trelawney
Wow. I think that you may have found the way for me to understand current affairs. Have a Harry Potter character write a letter to whatever government official who has done or said something idiotic! No, I'm being completely serious here. I actually comprehended what you wrote. I didn't just glaze over the words like I do when I open the newspaper.
Trelawney makes some good points. And some funny insights. She's good, that seer.
Learning can be fun!..;-)
Off to Hogwarts tomorrow...;-)
Maybe he's a hypochodriac (spelling?) for his country.
I have a "feeling" right now too but I think I'll just chalk it up to last night's dinner.
You're making to much sense bro. Take two steps back.
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