Friday, July 13, 2007

on my radar: glamour shots

Donald Trump announced today that all beauty contestants in the TEEN, MISS and Universe competitions will be forbidden from participating in any photo shoot, unless it is done by "Glamour Shots". Following the scandalous pictures that have plague contestants over the past few years, Trump has said enough. He believes by tightening the reigns on the shoots, he can stop the embarrassing leaks of photos that have tripped up Miss New Jersey, Nevada, and others. "If there are going to be lecherous people trying to make a quick buck off of these young ladies, then I want it to be me!", he said.

The decision to use Glamour Shots was a tough one, the final two candidates were Annie Lebowitz and GS, but after a short chat with The Queen, Trump realized there could be only one diva at the shoots, and that was him!

In other news, Donald Trump announced the purchase of all Glamour Shot stores and kiosk's today.


Airam said...

Ha ... it didn't sound like him to feverishly promote something without having a stake in it.

EF said...

Exactly...maybe he could invest in Rosie's McCall's!...
of course...this is reality as I create the news..;-)

armalicious said...

No matter how whacked in the head Mr. Trump is... you have to give him credit for knowing his faults and using them to his advantage.


Hope London is fun!!

egan said...

Who is this Donald Trump guy?