Vapid is as vapid does.
Why does TV always seem to launch shows in pairs? Why isn't there an original idea out there that can be developed without another network offering virtually the same thing, at the same time? I am sitting here watching promos for this new show, "The Singing Bee" when I realized that Joey Fatone must have gotten "The Price is Right" gig because they have replaced him with another guy...one of the Wayan brothers (oops, it's a Brady)? But no, it's not "The Singing Bee" promo, it something about "remembering the lyrics".
Wow, two "Name That Tune" spin-offs in the same week...after about 10 years of nothing! What gives? Is music "hot" again? Why now, and why so eerily similar launches?
That got me thinking about the past few years of television where the viewing audience has been offered double dips of swapping spouses, alien invasions, medical dramas, and annoying kids...again I ask, how does this happen? I might need to call Inspector Gadget to help with this crime, because someone is ripping off someone. But next time big network executive, if you're gonna steal, steal the good stuff!
As I prepare for my jaunt to London, I can't wait to see how many of our TV programs are recognizable as replica's of British programming...Big Brother, American Idol, blah, blah, blah...
I've been curious about this trend, too. A few years ago it was the game show shit. Now it's the music like you said. And I can't believe that Joey Fatone is getting his own show. That dude is so annoying...even though he was a good dancer on Dancing with the Stars (what was the clone on that one? The ice skating show is the closest I can come up with).
And, I don't think Inspector Gadget is going to figure it out. Maybe the dog or the girl (wasn't her name Penny?) can help you out.
London? You're going to London. Me=tad envious.
I think the show was "dancing with stars on the ice", or, for a couple of them...how to break a marriage up with a triple axel! Then the "driving with celebrities" a couple weeks ago...blink and miss it!
London is calling...for work, but hey...;-)
remember that show temptation island? im just wondering.
yeah, i hear ya, this trend is funky.
you're going to london?! you lucky guy you.
yes arm, penny was her name... and dr. claw, or claw? was the cat?
Penny is correct.
Mr. Claw is the foe
Mad Cat is the accessory...;-)
This is why I don't watch tv anymore.
And temptation island?!?!?!
I hated that show!!! Let's put a bunch of couples stuck on an island with drop-dead gorgeous people and see if they cheat!!! Let's promote cheating!!
Now there's a concept!!
airam, i know- what a horrible concept. kind of fun to watch though. yeah, im a freak like that.
My husband said (and he knows basically everything about everything) that FOX regularly hears a show is about to be produced and then rushes their own copy of it to production to beat them to it. Then there are two, but FOX was first (even if it isn't as good). Interesting theory even if it may not be true. But, like I said, my husband is almost always right about everything...even if he's not, he says it in such a way that you would definitely believe him.
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