Wednesday, July 25, 2007

on my radar: terminator tactics

Holy Crap!! That Lindsay knows how to kill her own career...ironic her new movie is titled, "I know who killed me?" Yes, we all know!

Was she gunning for the role of the Terminator? The way she was chasing down her ex-assistant's mom in an SUV it sounded like she was hunting down Sarah Connor!

And would ya look at that mug shot, "turn around bright eyes!"

She simply amazes me with the sad level of stupidity she has shown ( I don't want to be a stupid girl). I doubt Promises will use her as a spokesperson any time soon- and everyone was so singing her praises for being out and sober for the past 5 days...she makes Britney look like Mama Theresa!

I'd love to count the ways I find her amusing, but since she can't even get to twelve(steps) why start? Maybe I'll just keep it to .012 or.014, her breathalyzer results!

Carry on my wayward daughter...don't you drive no more!


megabrooke said...

ha, your last line is classic.
poor lindsay. she's just so out of control.

EF said...

:-) she is fodder, pure and simple! Like a (flock of)seagull pulling muscles from a shell!

brandy said...

I'm starting to feel like she's getting into Tara Reid company now. It's almost not even fun to make fun of her anymore. Almost.

egan said...

You love Mary Hart!

Airam said...

Yeah that mug shot ... was there a photographer in the background saying, "Ok Lindsey ... look sexy and pouty but innocent at the same time ... ok good ... now make your eyes look worried like you can't believe you've been wronged again. Brilliant! Now let's do something with makeup - MAKEUP! - so that it looks like you haven't slept a wink."

EF said...

Brandy- that is hilarous! Poor Taradise!

Eg- you know her voice hurts my ears. I boycott ET ever since they went on the Anna Nicole rampage and covered her ad nauseum!

Airam- i think her stylist might have done work for Nick Nolte in the past